Thursday, November 18, 2010

Finding my wings

It has been a while since my last Blog and I've been in something of a spiritual bog.  My mind hasn't opened up as much as I'd wanted.  Certainly not as much as the few days after I started this Blog.  At that point, everything came rushing at me and writing was quite easy.  Then I returned to work in the northern Alberta oil sands region and the spark left me.  It's difficult trying to recapture something that intense, when you are living and working in this environment.  I guess this is where I should be reading my little companion the Power and taking note of the lessons there in!  However, today I actually feel like putting something down, so I'll see how this goes!

During several conversations and chats on Skype that I had with Gemma, the name Jay Atkinson and Solomon kept coming up.  I'm not even going to try and describe what Jay actually does.  Suffice to say, I would recommend going to her link on my Blog and take a look for yourself.  In very basic terms Jay channels vibration energy!  In much the same was as Esther channels Abraham, Jay channels Solomon.   I'll leave it at that, but please please visit Jays site to learn more.  While I was still away from home, I felt this growing compunction to write to Jay.  I don't know why, or what I would say to her.  I just needed to write.  When I did, it was like writing to an old and dear friend - it was just so natural and free flowing.  I can't remember quite what I said, but there was a lot of it!  Those of you who know me, would say that is pretty normal......!

Jay took a little while to respond, but when she did, it was an absolute deluge of information!  The more I read the four full pages of text, the more I kept seeing things in there.  Things that Jay would certainly not have known about and it was all right there on the pages of her email.  I don't want to share the whole email, it was both long and personal, but there is one small part I would like to share, because it quite shocked me.  It read, 'Those around you have been a little concerned also, as they are feeling that it is somehow their responsibility to make you feel better but as you know, this is not so.  Now when I read that for myself, it did not have a big impact, it felt like a pretty general statement.  However, when I read the email out to Wendy, she was nodding furiously and saying 'yes'!  I stopped reading and Wendy said that is almost exactly how she feels, that it was somehow her responsibility to make me feel better.  I'm not talking in physical terms, but in general spiritual terms.  I had been feeling very up and down for quite a while.  Jays message from 'source' explained that this was quite normal and big changes were ahead for me.  That didn't stop Wendy feeling it was her responsibility to make me feel better.  I was quite struck by the accuracy in this part of the message from 'source' through Jay.

There was very much more in the email from Jay, all of it quite exciting for me.  The biggest lesson I think I received was listen to myself more, trust what I hear myself saying or feeling.   The good old 'sixth sense' or what ever you like to call it.  I am slowly learning to trust that part of me, which I have not always trusted in the past.  How many times do we have that 'gut feeling' about something, but take a different path.  Only to find later that we were right in the first place.  I see smiling nodding faces!  I've been no different, now 'source' was telling me to listen closer and trust what I heard.  That is so hard to do when you have been 'deaf' for so long, but I'm getting better.  Recently my daughter has been looking for a house, and I've offered some 'gut feelings' on some of her choices.  It has been fun to work with her and just let myself go, and say what I feel.  In each case I was absolutely right about the property.  When she sent me a picture of her last selection, I knew this was the one.  The day later she agreed to the lease. We were both quite excited.

At the end of Jay's email, she left Solomon, and spoke as Jay once again, this time in a totally different style and language.  Again, I'm not going to print Jay's comments as they were personal.  However, toward the end of the email, Jay said I should 'hang onto my hat matey, you are gonna fly'.  In a later email, Jay said that she was an Owl, and asked, "what bird are you"?  The very first thing that came into my head was Eagle, a Bald Eagle.....  When I read the email toWendy and came to Jay's question, before even finishing, she interrupted me with, "Eagle".  I repeated the exercise with Gemma.  Her response was aslo an Eagle.  Interestingly though, Gemma's animal totem is an Eagle Owl, thereby linking the three of us!  It was Gemma who also pointed out that the RAF crest that I proudly wore for twenty four years, also contains an Eagle.  So I have had an eagle near by my whole life.  I immediately adopted the Eagle as my totem.  In a later conversation with Jay, she actually said Bald Eagle, which was the initial picture I had received.  So there you have it, this is why a beautiful Bald Eagle appears in my Blog and I'm now learning to spread and fly on my Eagle Wings.

In Jays message from 'source', I was told to be ready for big changes in my life and this would happen quite soon.  When you hear that sort of message, it makes you want to head off and pack your bags so to speak.  I've never been a patient person, so waiting for a big event will be torture for me - well, it would have been should I say.  I feel something will happen in the spring time and I believe I have seen the 'pointers' so to speak.  We are privileged to live out in the country in a pretty sparsly populated area.  At the back of our house is an old farm pond, almost dried up now.  The Bullrushes tell you there is water there - not much it has to be said.  Each spring that we have been in the house, two pairs of Red Tailed Hawks return to raise their brood.  I first became aware of them when all the Gophers in the area headed for their many holes!  I've watched these beautiful birds for hours, rising on the hot air thermals.  Climbing from tree tops just above the pond, too hundreds of feet high - circling, circling.  They go as suddenly as they arrive, but I know they will be there again next spring.  I think that the arrival of these beautiful raptors, will signal a time for me to truly spread my wings.  I guess we will have to wait for the warm spring sunshine to find out! 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

"All you need is love love, love is all your need". The Beatles June 1967.

Now thanks to the information passed to me by Richard M, I've moved from 'the dog', further north into the Alberta oil sands region.  The job if you recall from my earlier post, still involves driving coaches, but now I work away from home.  Two weeks living in camp, one week home.  Far from an ideal situation, but needs must and for the first time in over a year, Wendy and I can plan our lives.  So, over all, a good move.  It turns out that Richard M is on the same rotation as I me, so I got too see a lot of my new friend.  I believe people come into our lives on short, medium or long term 'missions'.  I felt Richard M was a short term visitor and having fulfilled his mission of getting me to this area of Alberta, would drop from my immediate 'radar' screen in the near future.  Until that time came round, I enjoyed his company.

In an endeavor too increase her overall spiritual knowledge and understanding, daughter Gemma was drawn to a holistic spiritual Festival of Light, held annually in Llangollen, Wales.  Gem made the trip from Telford in Shropshire, with her good friend Kate.  On arrival at the festival, eager to absorb as much as possible, she saw a tent where there was to be an introduction to the Law of Attraction.  Not knowing what this was, but eager to learn from the festival, Gemma and Kate sat in on the presentation.  I will not try and 'regurgitate' all that the girls heard or felt.  Suffice to say that the email Gemma sent to a number of family members, was full of enthusiasm and references to the 'Law of Attraction' (LOA).  Also to the magnetism of the presenter, Benjamin Stubbs.  She also included a link to a series of videos on You Tube featuring Jerry and Esther Hicks.  To say that Gem's enthusiasm came bursting from the page, is like saying that the Pacific Ocean is big, or Mount Everest is high!  Understatements all!  Having read the email, I promised myself that I would watch the video clips - some time!

When eventually I sat down and watched Esther channel Abraham, I was mesmerized.  Her words were very deep and meaningful and took a second and third watching too truly start grasping her message.  Or more accurately Abraham's message.  What struck me in the message Esther was delivering, was an unmitigated similarity to basic religious teaching - love!  I don't mean the huge religious establishments like the Roman Catholic Church, Church of England etc etc, with all of their rules and threats that go with them.  This was the teaching of pure unadulterated love and that struck a real chord in me.  Things were starting to make sense at last.  There is a law that brings together all the feelings I had been feeling, all the words of wisdom I had experienced and voiced.  It stripped away the layers of control placed there by conventional  religious teachings.  This is the Law of Attraction and my world was going to change for ever.

Richard had told me, not that long before, that there was no such thing as an accident!  How these words rang in my ears now - no such thing as an accident!  This is exactly what the LOA tells us.  We get what we ask for.  Some might call that prayer?  It now struck me - well, Wendy reminded me - that I had got exactly what I has asked in my job!  I had said I'd love a job that involved travel, as Wendy was making some great business trips and I felt just the 'teensiest' bit green with envy!  What happened?  The LOA gave me a job driving coaches!  Remember those words of wisdom from our Grandmothers: "be careful what you ask for, it just might come true"!  That's the LOA in action!  Our grandparents were much smarter cookies that we gave them credit for.  They understood the LOA before it was even called that!  So, I got my travel job!  I wasn't happy where I was and asked for change and along came Richard M.  I just had not been specific enough.  I asked for travel and the LOA said ok, here you go, a bus is traveling, bet you are pleased now!!

While I was on one of my two week stints away from home, Wendy purchased a little book from the bargain bucket in our grocery store - for the Brits, that's a Supermarket.....  A small volume, which holds a big, big message.  When I got home Wendy showed me the book and after a few days of seeing it sitting on the coffee table, I actually opened it and started to read.  I could hardly bring myself to put it down.  I found myself smiling like an idiot as I read words that made infinite sense.  I found myself furiously nodding like a manic donkey as I read more words that made such sense to me.  Yet again I found myself drawing parallels with the words in the book, to religion.  Then to my immense surprise, amongst the many quotes from the good and the wise, were quotes from Jesus Christ!  The Law of Attraction and Jesus Christ preached the same thing!  Unconditional and absolute love!  Then a song came to me from my early teenage years from a hero group of the time, The Beatles, 'All you need is love'!  It seems that for all the stuff that was going on in the mid sixties, the boys knew exactly what the answer was - love!

The book that made such a huge impression on me - the Power by Rhonda Byrne.  I've already recommended this book to a few friends and sent a copy to my son.  It carries a huge message - well it did for me.  I guess the impact of the message depends on your own state of heart and mind?  Mine were wide open!  I jumped straight in, no hesitation, sign me up.  I need to know more and more about the LOA, because it WILL help me change my life, it is already.  I know there are more books out there which will help me understand more of how the LOA works and how I can train myself to receive and use the LOA.  But this small volume will always be the one that DID it for me.  I've already started to carry it too and from camp with me, as a constant reference.  I have a memory like a sieve, so this little book is an invaluable tool for me.  Ohhh and then things moved into another gear altogether! 

Friday, November 5, 2010

"There's no such thing as an accident.........".

About a year ago, I was driving coaches for a company who's logo is pretty much recognised Internationally.  Need a clue - a running dog on the sides of the bus!!!!!  I'd been warned by other drivers, that I should expect a dramatic increase in passengers at Christmas time, and so it was.  The volume of passengers increased to such an extent that the company contracted in 'foreign line' coaches to supplement the companies own fleet.  These foreign liners are local coach companies.

One night in late December, my schedule was to take a coach from Edmonton in Alberta Canada, to Jasper - also in Alberta Canada.  I was to leave close to midnight.  On arrival in Jasper, I was to hand over my coach and take a coach inbound from British Columbia (BC) and return to Edmonton.  Like all good plans, that is not exactly what happened.  Due to the lack of our coaches, I was to act as a 'conductor' on a foreign line coach.  This meant I performed all operator duties, bar actually driving.  When I got to the down town depot in Edmonton, I met the driver on who's coach I was to conduct.  The driver came over to me and introduced himself as Richard, shook my hand warmly and we got to chatting about the trip we were to jointly operate.

A simple run to Jasper would take about four and a half hours and there were limited stops along the way.  Before we set off, my dispatch located in BC advised me that we - Richard and I - may well have to carry on from Jasper to Kamloops BC.  That came as a surprise, but Richard assured me he knew where he was going, so off we set.  Richard is a great people person and we were soon chatting away passing the time and the miles as we headed into the snow filled night, en route Jasper.  Amongst the subjects we discussed was spiritual belief.  This was all the more fascinating for me as Richard is a full blood First Nations, of the Dene Nation.  Richard had a calm air about him, nothing seemed to trouble him.  He was an absolute delight to travel with.  We got on very well together and swapped cell phone numbers before we commenced the return trip to Edmonton.  I told Richard I'd really enjoyed his company and would love to meet up for a coffee if we were ever 'in town' together.  Dispatch then played another Joker which resulted in Richard and I returning to Edmonton in different directions.

Months went by, I was busy driving all hours and never did make that phone call.  Then fate took a hand.  Or more correctly, it was my time to contact Richard.  I have two Richard's in my cell phone and this day, I hit the wrong one by mistake.  The phone rang out, but the voice that answered was not the one I was expecting.  The Jamaican and Canadian accents are nothing alike - trust me!  Realising my error I rang off, and redialed my other friend.  A few minutes later my phone rang, I accepted the call to be greeted by Richard from the BC trip.  I apologised for disturbing him, and explained the mix up, I said it was a simple accident.  His response is still with me and was another part of my spiritual awakening.  He simply said,"there's no such thing as an accident, you were supposed to call me".  Knowing his spiritual heritage, I knew exactly what he meant.  From here I'll call Richard the 'messenger', Richard M.

Richard M knew how I was feeling about my current position, and passed on information about a job that I would find more agreeable.  It was still driving coaches, and it meant living away from home two weeks at a time.  However, I would get a whole week at home with no phone calls from dispatch, sending me on last minute tasks.  I could actually plan some recreation time for the first time in a year!  I followed up Richard M's lead, and the company I spoke with were very interested in me coming to work for them.  It appears that the quality of the training given by the 'Old Dog', was quite revered within the industry.  I must have received at least four phone calls asking if I was still interested in the job.  My wife Wendy said it could not be much more clear that I was supposed to take this job.  She was quite right, since I have been employed in this new position, I've not heard of anyone being given so many chances to accept.

The job I do is not hugely rewarding, but I know in my heart that I am where I am for a purpose.  At this time, I have no clue what that is, but I know I am supposed to be where I am in preparation for the next leg of my journey and this has been coming to me hard and fast in the last few days.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Journey Commences.

I'm sure there are those amongst us, who can look to a place and time and say, "that is where it began for me".  A single moment when 'it' happened, when the spiritual light went on.  When all of those little clues finally pieced together.  A Eureka moment.   Mine was a gradual realisation over many many years.  A maturation process if you will.  As a young boy I was indoctrinated into religion, that's where you find your faith, that's what it's all about.  I learned about Christ, God, the Bible etc etc and it was just there.  I was brought up in the opt in opt out Church of England.  Not a very demanding church to be in.  As good friends would say, we only attended for 'hatching, matchings and dispatching'....  Flippant, but ohh, so so true.

Years went by and when ever I was asked, "what religion are you", it was easy to put C of E and move on.  The whole Church thing never sat right with me, but I never knew why.  Nor did I try to reason why, it never seemed that interesting.  Years went by and at a single major pivotal point in my life, I started to believe.  It was 1991 and what a bloody year that was, not much more could have gone wrong for me.  Most tragic of all the events, and there were four, was the loss of my young sister to breast cancer.  At that moment, I turned to religion for help, actually a crutch.  Essentially, I didn't start going to Church, I thought that was hypocritical.  I chose to believe in my own way, God became 'the Big Fella' and I would just chat to him.   Then I was caught up in the whole mystic 'thing' of religion.  If I wavered now, something would go wrong!  They had me with fear, but I didn't know it then.

More years went by.  I prayed less, stopped asking for things, or was not aware I had ceased doing so.  Instead, I resorted to believing basic words of wisdom.  The sort of home spun wisdom that we associate with our parents and grandparents.  Words of wisdom that I gathered on sales training courses.  These seemed to resonate with me.  These were simple messages intended for a sales force audience.  What seemed so blindingly obvious to me, was the 'big picture' meaning and how these words affected our whole lives.  Without thinking about it, I pushed orthodox religion further away.  Well, I was C of E, I could opt in opt out as I pleased.

Now we start getting up to date.  Nearly a year ago, my daughter Gemma received an article from her Mum about animal communication.  She read it and was instantly drawn to the subject.  Her enthusiasm was infectious and I hung on every word about this new concept in her life.  Being a good dad, I wanted to support her what ever she was doing, but found the whole premiss behind animal communication fascinating.  I then started to see the bigger picture, and how spirituality was at work here.  As Gemma and I spoke, mostly via Skype, I found myself offering more and more 'words of wisdom'.  More often than not, I wondered where they had come from!  Gemma seemed to take notice of my advice, or at least toss it into the melting pot for consideration.

Over the last few months, there has been a real sea change in how I looked at things, belief in particular. A fundamental catalyst to this change, was when my ten year old my Grandson Deryn was diagnosed with Leukemia.  The initial diagnosis hit like a thunderbolt.  We were all devastated, well, all except Deryn!  My daughter in-law Callie, immediately worked out that Deryn would feed from hers and my sons anxiety - if there was any.  At that moment, Callie and Simon whether through conscious effort  or otherwise, set about projecting nothing but a positive outcome for Deryn.  There were soon people all over the world through social networking sites who had never met this little chap, but were none the less pouring out love for him.  That amazed me!  The next thing that struck me was how this little chaps illness, had brought us all together, spiritually.  Then I started to analyse my own belief and the game was on!

Deryn had acted as a conduit, bringing us all together in a common cause.  Then I realised that this had happened before in our family, when my sister had passed over in 1991.  Those of us who were open to the idea, realised that Pammy was bringing us together and was looking out for us.  So much so, that to this day I occasionally call my daughter Gemma, Pammy, and visa versa!  Now I believed that Pammy, in spirit, was indeed looking after us, or guiding us.  At about the same time, my son Simon was also going through something of a belief renaissance.  He had tried orthodox church and found it wanting.  Again there was control and rule through fear.  Callie had always been a spiritualist and so guided Simon, who soon discovered this was the right way for him.  Now things were really moving.